Insights from McKinsey’s report : an overview of one of the most current topics on corporate philosophies (and more)

Today we hear about Cloud computing , but often with difficulty in contextualizing the definitions and, therefore, without being able to find out more. Yet, it is a very popular model of IT resources , seen in SaaS – an acronym of   software- as -a-service – one of its most evolved branches. From Wikipedia , we assume that when we talk about Cloud computing we refer to

a paradigm for the provision of IT resources, such as archiving and processing   or data transmission, characterized by availability   on demand   through   Internet   starting from a set of pre-existing and configurable resources.

Without going into exquisitely technical issues, we can thus say that this concept, together with that of SaaS , is closely linked to   Customer Success   Managers (CSM): new company figures destined to play an increasingly central role within companies, as well as being the object of one of the most recent   McKinsey reports .

customer success

Just starting from the latter, we present an overview on the topic, focusing our attention on the CSMs and on the possible growth opportunities deriving from these new activities.

Insights from the relationship

In their latest work entitled Introducing customer success 2.0: the new growth engine , the authors   Charles Atkins , Shobhit Gupta and Paul Roche wondered if software vendors for companies really are resources capable of identifying (and producing) new possibilities for growth and value for the market.

A question that is rooted in distant origins and brings the authors to introduce their analysis starting from the 2000s , when   the software- as -a-service suppliers had invested   significantly in acquiring new customers. But – there is always a “but” – over time, their products have become increasingly complex, “difficult to understand”.
The first consequence (we look at the positive side) was to invest in the skills of a team dedicated entirely to increasing customer loyalty , able to obtain   an increase in the value of products . Efforts and investments that have led to a reduction in what we know as   churn rate   (or rate of abandonment) of customers. The other perspective, however, concerns their contribution to transform the Customer Success into an emerging and increasingly evolved discipline in the software sector, complete with new tools and methodologies.

In this way, the big players started to create additional roles within their corporate organizations and, in support of these new client-centric functions , they gave life to the idea of   Customer Success Management (CSM).

Customer Success 2.0

Scrolling through the pages of the report   McKinsey , we can assume that the creation of these new figures is part of a set of trends that denote the beginning of a new era called Customer Success 2.0 . Basically, many companies focus on growth and no longer exclusively on   churn rate factors , drawing on a more intimate knowledge of customers, such as to refine opportunities and promote relevant solutions.
For McKinsey , the Customer Success is a real growth engine that goes beyond the old idea of SaaS (ie a mere software as a business service); even if it is, however, a phase of transition that, therefore, should be managed with due precautions.

Manage change

At this point, let us ask ourselves how companies should support this transition to the Customer Success 2.0 .   Schematizing the research, it is about:

  • re-evaluate go-to-market strategies (GTM) : that use of internal and external resources (for example, sales force and distributors) to offer their value proposition to customers and obtain competitive advantages;
  • carefully analyze current financing models to implement customer services;
  • cultivate talent and corporate culture of their employees.

In summary, the suggested idea is to implement the Customer Success models as if they were an integral part of a company’s business philosophy. In this perspective, i   CSM   they must be considered as one of the most powerful resources of any company organization .

Involved with the business and development models (and with an in-depth knowledge of the value of the products or services provided), these figures are able to identify the best growth opportunities linked to professional services.

White Rabbit for Customer Success

The idea we put at the base of   White Rabbit   is to make available to the operators a suite that allows the management of all the company business by a single access .

Our mission ? Give companies the opportunity to train their Customer Success Managers internally , implementing a philosophy based on modern standards   Integrated Marketing .
By providing some services that allow a more intimate knowledge of the customer , it becomes possible to develop customized development models aimed at improving the Customer Experience .
Through   White Rabbit , your team will have at your disposal:

  • some Marketing Tools able to establish direct and effective communication channels;
  • a link to the whole Web Ecosystem of your company (site, eCommerce , social pages, landing page and others);
  • a very powerful CRM capable of acquiring and processing all the data acquired from customers, contacts and other profiles;
  • a Content Machine to create content;
  • the possibility of a coherent and personalized management of the Newsletter , SMS is   polls ;
  • and so on.


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