Consolidated realities, lower costs and great impact: a journey through the benefits of Content Marketing
There companies that produce their contents independently for decades now: a pioneering activity ranging from brochures to leaflets , from mail messages to Web sites , passing by podcast e images , up to video content . Naturally, these companies continue on one now “safe” is for a simple reason: it is a perspective highly profitable. Thus, at the same time, we can also claim that in recent years there has been a complete redefinition of the concept of Content Marketing , in the sense that we have moved from what was a simple “bet” to consider it a discipline as such.
As you know, strategies , budgets and editorial plans designed on the medium and long term, they can no longer be lacking in every business system (even if this is not yet so obvious).
In reality, the systems of related communication to Content Marketing activities they have evolved so much to acquire the power to transform businesses : compared to traditional marketing methods the costs are lower and the yield is far higher .
In the last months – for training purposes – we surveyed a number of companies, distinguishing and analyzing between those who produce their own content and exploit the possibilities of digital and those who do not feel ready yet to make the “big jump” . So we try to present a picture of the situation, looking in particular at some useful tips for those who intend to undertake this type of activity.
Priority to contents
Many marketing scholars – led by a legitimate suspicion, more or less founded – also thought that the time had come to question the excessive power of TV in the advertising field. And the result of many very useful research can be summarized in these terms: investing in television advertising means (yet) reach millions and millions of people . The true limit if anything, it’s another and shows us the darker side of this medal: investing in this sector means, in some ways, shoot (a message) in the pile. Basically, it lacks the surgical precision that the Web offers us.
The other touchpoint
If TV (especially in Europe) remains the main source of news and information , the next touchpoint is no less important . That is, that step in which, after a stimulus – for example, that of a new low cost airline that promises to reach dream destinations at bargain prices – it goes to deepen online the entire offer , or seek information on the credibility of this new brand. Right here comes the “new” communication channels such as social pages , blogs , investments Advertising on search engines .
A definition (lapidary)
First of all, let’s start with a definition of the topic we are dealing with. From the website of the Content Marketing Institute we assume that:
Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valid, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and ultimately drive a win-win customer action.
So, in the first instance it is about creating and distributing contents valid, relevant and consistent with the intent to drive a profitable ( profitable ) customer action. The latter have now reached a very high level of competence, can count on the unlimited choice and “change channel” whenever they wish to do so.
But these are just some of the many reasons why every company, today, should invest in this sector. In support of this, the lapidary expression used by Seth Godin , well-known American entrepreneur and writer, who defined Content Marketing as « The only marketing left ».
Two are the propositions that are unlikely to be denied, at least in the short term:
- the importance of Content Marketing will always be growing ;
- the creation and distribution of content will continue to change (radically) .
Multichannel, coherence, discretion
But what are people looking for? Assuming that it is no longer possible to think of a communication strategy that is not diversified and distributed across multiple channels, users are demanding greater accessibility (to be found immediately) and direct and relevant messages. Here, we will not talk again about the concepts behind the Customer Experience , but simply invite you to look at them here.
In summary, today’s users are ill-digesting interruptions , preferring non-intrusive and numerically acceptable content . They want to be amazed, documented (a lot) before finalizing a purchase.
A bit ‘of numbers to support (and not only)
If done well, Content Marketing offers a real, growing performance over time. Starting from latest research on the subject we can state that it costs 62% less than outbound marketing and generates a lead three times higher to the latter.
Moreover (and these are the numbers that most seduce in this field):
- a site with blog has 97% of more indexed links compared to a blog-free site;
- a blog site has 434% of indexed pages more compared to a site that has not invested in this;
- between main reasons that lead to follow a company on social media there are the valuable contents ;
- the B2C companies with blogs and social media get 88% more contacts every month , compared to companies that do not use these two tools;
(source: )
The best advice
While the first corporate blogs had their weight in the most typical (or classic) strategies of Content, today we “discover” that distributing content in an intelligent way and on more channels or platforms pay in terms of lead generation . The secret of this success? If it was not yet clear, the reason behind the results obtained from the activities of Content Marketing is all in our dear and old concept of trust .
We will not limit ourselves here to cite one of the most inflated American research (which revealed that over 60% of consumers US bought a product after reading reviews on a blog) but we will insist on this point: a good content pays , does not stop to cultivate – and therefore to renew – the trust in a brand .
Basically, if you happened to ask yourself because perfect strangers should rely on your services or because they should buy your products … well, you are on the right track. But do not leave that they are others to speak for you. Create valid content that speaks about you .
Content Marketing and White Rabbit
In the course of this article, we focused on the reasons behind the success of Content Marketing from the perspective of the so-called corporate blogging . The most attentive reader will certainly be aware of the modern need to implement a business system by spreading and integrating its message across multiple communication channels.
When we developed the White Rabbit suite we focused (also) on the need to implement and manage multi-channel communication .
The idea behind our suite is rooted in the modern concepts of integrated marketing .
With the tools provided by White Rabbit , including the Content Machine , you can:
- create a content;
- draw up articles based on the most up-to-date sources selected for you;
- handle is program publishing plans ;
- to publish content on multiple social platforms and blogs simultaneously;
- follow and to increase the performance of published articles;
- optimize engagement through SEO and Social;
- to evaluate the ROI of the editorial effort;
- to analyze integrated performance through integrated analytics;
- to coordinate your work team on scheduled publications;
Your editorial plan has never been like this simple and fast, and without the need for additional external tools!
Making Happy Business has never been so easy!